Daily Philosophy


When we are trying to do anything. When we are trying to learn anything. Anything. We plan. Our brains can’t help themselves. We are all born problem solvers. Hardwired. From A to B to C. How can I get from here to there?

But at the end of the process there is only one way to make progress. Action. After all of the thinking and planning and worrying and wondering and hoping and talking and getting lost in our own minutia we must take action.


How are films made? They are planned. Even if its run and gun, someone somewhere has an idea of what the story or the scene will be. But to get the take, someone has to say the word action.

Chris Brogan sent out an email the other day with the subject “The Launch and Learn Method”. I love it. Launch and learn.

So if you are planning something. Dreaming of something. If there is a vision running around your hardwired problem solving brain…

Say “Action”.

photo credit: aussiegall via photopin cc



Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 10.04.22 PMOne of the most amazing things about the time that we live in is the resources that are available to us. I found a site that I think is one of those special places that gives us a peek into the kind of world we are collectively creating.


They are billing themselves as a live worldwide classroom and they have classes on topics like marketing, business, photography and much more. If you watch the class live then it is free. After that you can buy the class and watch it whenever you want.

One of my favorite books about business is Josh Kaufman’s The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business and he just had a course this week. You can see the page here.

I was only able to watch a few minutes of the livecast but I picked up a few good ideas in that short amount of time. So use whatever time you can spare and check it out. Sign up for their list and over the next year I bet you find something that is worth your time.