Daily Philosophy Writing

How To Do Anything

Dive into the deep end of the pool.
And start right now.

There is no time to waste. Stop reading this and begin right now and then come back here when you need a break. If you are taking a break get back to it.


The rules are simple. If there is something you want to do. Do it.
And here’s why. When you start, things happen. When you think about starting, things do not happen. They get thought about, they do not get done.

So what ever it is, commit. Have a baby, write the book, start the business, make the film, record the song, get the boy/girl, learn the language, on and on and on.

You will never have enough money for a baby or enough time to write the book or enough resources to start the business, until you do. You will find the money and the time and the resources. All you need to do is begin.

And here is what will happen. Things will start to move. Fear will step out of the way. You will find time you never knew you had. Your mind will start to process things and ideas will come and more ideas will follow.

Below are some places to look for more inspiration but come back and read them later.

Dive into the deep end of the pool.
And start right now.

Here is a video I love about what happens when you are told something can not be done and you get it stuck in your mind that it can:

Derek Sivers interviews Tim Ferris


Seth Godin: The Simple Power of One Day

Daily Philosophy

Is Your Imagination Out Of Focus?

My daughter went to a birthday party this weekend and all of the children were encouraged to play dress up. The girls were mermaids and the boys were pirates and my daughter came home from the party with a huge burst of enthusiasm for life.

And this was not just a sugar high. She was so wound up that she could hardly find the words to tell me about her trip into the faraway land of imagination. As far as she was concerned, she was a mermaid. Her face was sparkly and she had a tail. The depths of the ocean were hers.

Sometimes I forget to play. I forget that we are here to imagine and dream and play dress up. It’s an easy thing to let happen. We have so many things that need to get done. Eat. Work. Sleep. Make things. Fix things. Clean things. I have lists on my computer and in notebooks and on scratch paper, lists of all of the things that I want to do or have and even be. But I can be anything. That is the power of the imagination. And you have to be careful not to lose it.  Or as Mark Twain wrote in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”

So this weekend was a reminder to get my imagination back in focus. To remember what it’s like to have a tail. Or a sword. Or both. Because I can.